Before changing your qualification, we must ensure that you meet the necessary admission requirements for the new qualification. This means you will have to apply for the new qualification to proceed.

Below is a set of steps tailored to your specific situation. Kindly follow the instructions that best describe your current situation.

I have applied to IIE Varsity College but have not yet completed the registration process. I would like to request a change in the qualification I am registering for.

I am currently enrolled at IIE Varsity College and would like to register for a different program for the upcoming academic year.

Step 1: Reach out to your campus Student Advisor to explore alternative qualifications and ensure that your campus offers the qualification and that you meet the relevant admission requirements. They can provide valuable assistance and guidance in this process.

Step 2: After your new qualification has been updated on your Application Portal, the next step is for you to accept the new offer letter and pay the pre-registration fee (if you have already paid it, your Student Advisor will guide you on what to do next).

Step 3: You will receive an email with your registration link and log in information. After logging in, kindly proceed with your registration by selecting the appropriate modules and payment terms, accepting the terms and conditions, and updating your personal and fee-payer information. Additionally, you must upload a copy of the fee payer's national ID or passport. International students must upload a certified copy of the fee payer's national ID.  

Step 1: To ensure that you meet the necessary admission requirements and that your campus offers the desired qualification, speaking with your campus Customer Relations Officer/Online Success Navigator (CRO/OSN) and Head of Academic Operations would be beneficial. They can provide you with valuable information and guidance.

Step 2: Submit a request to IIE VC Assist.

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Step 3: Complete the form by selecting a module and providing a detailed explanation of the reason for your request to change your qualification in the description/comments block. Additionally, please upload any supporting documents that may include your motivation for wanting to switch to a different qualification. Once you have completed the form, you can submit your application.

Step 4: You will receive a notification through IIE VC Assist from your campus CRO/OSN regarding the status of your request to change your qualification. If your request is approved, your qualification will be updated on the Student Information System. You may need to log back into your Registration Portal here and register for the required modules. If your request is declined due to not meeting the admission requirements for the new qualification or if the campus does not offer the qualification, a meeting will be scheduled with you, your campus CRO/OSN, and Head Academic to discuss alternative options.