What is the Academic Forum?

The IIE Voice Academic Forum consists of students representing each Study Discipline/ Faculty/ School that is represented on each campus.These Representatives work in conjunction with the campus Head of Study Discipline Studies/ Faculty/ School or designated academic support person who is involved with academic and operational affairs within each area of study. 

Some of the responsibilities of the Academic Forum Representatives include: 

  • Inform, report and feedback to class representatives by means of meetings, and any other appropriate media. 
  • Accurately report to the Campus Senior Management on any incidents that may bring the campus into disrepute. 
  • Each class (or group) per year per study discipline/faculty/school is required to elect up to a maximum of two class representatives. These Class Representatives will form The IIE Vega Voice Academic Forum, however, only the main Academic Representative i.e., those Academic Representatives elected per Study Discipline/ Faculty/School will serve on The IIE Voice Main Forum. 
  • The Academic Representatives represent their respective Study Discipline/Faculty/School on the IIE Faculty Academic Forum.