What is the role of the Social Committee?

The Social Committee (SC), in collaboration with the Head: Student Experience, is responsible for organizing social events for the student body. Its primary goal is to create holistic experiences for students throughout their time at the institution, ensuring that they can engage in activities both on and off campus. The Social Committee hosts a variety of events to cater to all students, helping them strike a balance between their academic and social lives. 

As one of the many committees available to students on campus, the Social Committee provides a platform for students to have a voice in the planning of events. Members offer suggestions and contribute ideas to ensure the events align with student interests. The elected Social Committee President represents the committee in the Vega Voice Committee, where they collaborate with other portfolio heads and gain insight into student responses to campus events. 

The Social Committee consists of student members selected by the Head: Student Experience, working together to foster a social campus culture that promotes inclusion and a sense of belonging. Students are encouraged to attend these events, as they are designed by students, for students, reflecting their expectations and needs. The Social C continually strives to elevate and enrich the overall student experience.