How many sessions am I limited to?

Counselling sessions at an IIE campus are limited to (6) six sessions per student. These support sessions are provided online and telephonically. 


Should you wish to schedule an appointment, please do so via the booking methods indicated below. 


  • IIE Assist: Click on IIE Vega Assist, click on “Campus Queries” and select “Counsellor / Student Wellness Request”. Enter in your student number and the required information below. The Student Wellness Specialist will respond via the query logged to understand your schedule, preferred booking method (online, telephonically) and your availability.       
  • Email: Send an email to your Student Wellness Specialist to schedule a counselling appointment. The Student Wellness Specialist will communicate with you to determine your availability and booking method. A calendar invite will be sent to your institutional email address with confirmation of your counselling session booking date, time and platform. 
  • Online Booking Link: The most effective and efficient approach to scheduling a counselling appointment, is to scan the QR Code on the Student Wellness Specialists Counselling Services posters. This link will direct you to an online booking page, where you are able to select your preferred date, time and booking method of choice. A calendar invite will automatically populate once you click on the “book” tab at the bottom.  


Should you require additional information about the wellness services / booking of counselling consultations, please reach out to the Student Wellness Specialist.