How can I get involved in awareness campaigns?
Awareness campaigns are organized efforts designed to raise public understanding and knowledge about a specific issue, cause, or topic. The primary goal of these campaigns is to inform and educate students, often with the aim of changing attitudes, behaviors, or policies. Awareness campaigns are designed to encourage the campus community to take initiative and learn more about social and community issues. Sharing information through campaigns often ignites ongoing healthy conversations about a certain topic which in essence creates awareness.
The Student Wellness Specialist oversees Student Wellness related services in the form of counselling, community engagement and psycho-educational awareness campaigns.
Therefore, to get involved in awareness campaigns and to find out more, you can action the following.
- Reach out to the Student Wellness Specialist to enquire about upcoming awareness campaigns,
- Join the Campus WhatsApp community group, where posters, infographics / videos are posted informing students of what’s to come in the wellness space,
- Watch out for various posters and information posted on the wellness corner on Learn.
Should you have any question related to the wellness services or booking a consultation, please reach out to the Student Wellness Specialist.