Do I get automatic entry to my Summative Assessments?

CASS in most instances will not block summative assessment entry and therefore, students will gain automatic entry to attempt the standard (first) summative assessment opportunity regardless of a poor/ low CASS unless otherwise indicated in your Programme Assessments Schedule (PAS).  

Students will however be required to qualify for subsequent sittings meeting certain criteria.  

Under normal circumstances, there are three summative assessment sitting opportunities in an academic year, the below table outlines the general principles for each summative assessment opportunity:

Is CASS required?

Certain professional qualifications require a CASS subminimum of 40% to gain entry into the summative assessment. Where CASS is required in a module, this will be indicated on your PAS. For most qualifications, CASS in not required for summative entry however it is still important because it contributes to your overall module mark and is a good indication of your progress and possibility of success in a module. We recommend that you aim towards a 40% CASS mark as it will support you in preparation for your final summative assessment and overall module success. It Is also important to note that your Cumulative Assessment (CASS) mark is the sum total of the marks you will have achieved for your formative assessments, including ICE, which contributes to your final mark for a module.