If you're planning to transfer to a new IIE campus, it's important to note that transfers can only happen between semesters and not during semesters. Additionally, you must have settled all fee payments and have all assessment results published from your current campus.  

The deadlines for transferring for Term 1 and Term 2 are as follows:  


New Contact and Distance Students 

11 February 2025 

Returning Contact Students 

21 February 2025 

Distance Returning Students 

21 February 2025 



All Contact Students 

18 July 2025 

All Distance Students 

11 July 2025 


The actual transfer process usually takes between 5 to 7 working days, as we need to ensure that your fees are fully settled at your transferring campus, that all assessment results have been captured and published by your transferring campus, and that the transfer receiving campus offers the qualification and year of study that you're registering for.