Our team works hard to review and confirm registrations within 5 working days. Once your registration and payment have been approved, we'll send you your proof of registration and a copy of your contract via email. 

You can also access them on your student portal by clicking on the “Communication History” tab.Cursor with solid fillCursor with solid fillA screenshot of a computer

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To ensure a successful review and confirmation process, please ensure you've completed all the necessary steps.


Step 1

Consulted with your Student Advisor

Step 2

Applied to study with us via our website.

Step 3

Paid your application fee.

Step 4

Received an acceptance letter.

Step 5

Received your offer letter.

Step 6

Accepted your offer letter.

Step 7

Paid your R2500 pre-registration fee.

Step 8

Received an email invitation to register.

Step 9

Logged into the registration portal and completed all 5 registration process steps.

Step 10

Paid the required tuition fees.