Our team works hard to review and confirm registrations within 5 working days. Once your registration and payment have been approved, we'll send you your proof of registration and a copy of your contract via email to your connect email address.  

You can also access them on your student portal by clicking on the “Communication History” tab.  

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If you're returning to continue your current qualification, please ensure you've completed all the steps listed below. This will ensure that your registration is processed smoothly and without any delays. 


Step 1 

Ensure your previous year’s annual tuition fees are settled. 

Step 2 

Consulted with an Academic team member. 

Step 3 

Reviewed and received your Academic Progression Document (APD). 

Step 4 

Received an email invitation to register. 

Step 5 

Logged into the registration portal and completed all 5 steps of the registration process. 

Step 6 

Paid the required tuition fees. 


If you are returning to study a new qualification, please ensure that you have completed the steps listed below: 

Step 1 

Ensure your previous year’s annual tuition fees are settled. 

Step 2 

Consulted with an Academic team member. 

Step 3 

Applied to study your new qualification with us via our website. 

Step 4 

Received an acceptance letter. 

Step 5 

Received your offer letter to study your new qualification. 

Step 6 

Accepted your offer letter. 

Step 7 

Paid your R2500 pre-registration fee. 

Step 8 

Received an email invitation to register. 

Step 9 

Logged into the registration portal and completed all 5 steps of the registration process. 

Step 10 

Paid the required tuition fees.