Where do we find work experience opportunities?


The IIE MSA Engineering Society, through its South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) and South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering (SAIMechE) student chapters, host frequent company exhibitions and industry guest lectures. Use these opportunities to ask about work experience opportunities. 


Public Health 

The third-year Health Promotion Practicum module requires you to complete 100 hours in a public health organisation, which gives you some initial work experience. The organisation in which you will be placed is chosen based on your strengths and interests, for example, epidemiology or health promotion. 


In addition, the Career Centre on your campus provides support to students with all aspects relating to their career development and growth through coaching, mentoring and engagement. This will help you to leave the tertiary environment as a competent graduate who should thrive in industry and hopefully become an active member of our Alumni Community.