What is the Compulsory Lecture Attendance Requirement in the Faculty of Education?

Compulsory Lecture Attendance Requirement (Contact Campuses):

Regular attendance on the key modules on the programmes is essential to student engagement and preparedness in Teacher Education Programmes.  Regular attendance in the identified modules (currently prerequisite or corequisite modules aligned to Teaching Experience) is a professional commitment that should be expected of all teacher candidates and a requirement of professional practice. As an institution, we have a responsibility to ensure that our ITE students are prepared to responsibly engage with school going learners. 


What is the Compulsory Lecture Attendance Requirement? 

Excerpt from The Lecture Attendance Requirements for Modules Aligned to Teaching Experience: 

Students will be allowed access to the main School-based Teaching Experience per relevant year if: 

  • They have met the 80 % lecture attendance requirement for each of the identified modules as is aligned     to     Teaching Experience for that year.  


Dealing with Exceptions: 

In cases where students’ have not met the 80 % lecture attendance requirement for 1 or more of the identified modules as is aligned to Teaching Experience for that year: 

  • Students will be expected to achieve a combined 80 % lecture attendance (i.e average) across the     identified modules on condition that no single module attendance falls below 70 %.   

Students who fall into this category will submit a 1-page motivation for Teaching Experience access to The IIE’s Brand School of Education Campus Programme Manager for consideration by The IIE’s Brand Head of School: Education in consultation with The IIE’s Central Academic Team. 


Which modules have a Compulsory Lecture Attendance Requirement? 

Student Teachers are required to access The Lecture Attendance Requirements for Modules Aligned to Teaching Experience available in The IIE Student Teacher Administrative Log (in the Teaching Experience material).   

Please contact your campus Teaching Experience Coordinator If you are unsure how to access this document.