Am I allowed to write my exam at another venue (that is not an IIE Venue)?

Distance students are normally required at registration to select a site of The IIE closest to them but will be accommodated at another appropriate venue where such a site is not available. 

If you are distance student and have selected an alternate venue as your designated exam centre which is not a designated IIE campus. It would be best for you to identify a religious site, an embassy/consulate, or an educational institution where you will be able to write your exams.  

The requirements would be as follows:  

  • A quiet venue that you can use during the examination period. 
  • An invigilator to be present in the venue during the examination period. 
  • The venue should have immediate access to a printer and a scanner. 

Should a distance student need to amend the selected examination centre, a request must be lodged via the Vega Assist Student Hub not less than eight weeks before the examination session in question (please also refer to Annexure A and Figure 1 in PDIIE009 Assessment Criteria Minimum Standards and Procedure). 

If the nature of the reason makes it not possible for the student to write in a different location, they may also apply for a deferred assessment Vega Assist Student Hub at least 10 working days before the assessment. These arrangements must be confirmed in writing by the campus with the examination venue and filed on the student’s record electronically. 

An exam venue cannot be changed up to eight weeks before the summative. Only cases that are subject to work travel will be considered. 

A request to change from the original centre must be lodged with the Student Hub: